Monday, April 26, 2010
Emo Kids
Emo kids are sad creatures of the dark. They are characterized by their dress sense and also how in touch they are with certain emotions (i.e. the negative ones). Typically emos wear lots of black and will most likely have dyed hair (mainly black or sometimes colourful streaks) and write music, lyrics, or poems about the trials and tribulations of their torturous lives. Basically emos are sort of like goths...but with a lot less darkness and a lot more Harry Potter. Spotting an emo kid online is very easy as most have their username surrounded by Xs like so: xXxTinySadBrokenKittyxXx. Usually this would indicate that the user is Straight Edge (abstains from drug and alcohol). However in the emo community, things have different meanings. Their definition of straight edge is rather vertically displaceable. Emos can also be recognized online by their typing style. There are many variations of emo typing
The.kind.that.hasn''tfoundthespacekeyorthefullstopthe ones that have found the space key but unfortunately have misplaced all other punctuation keys including capital letters this kind isnt so bad at first but it can get very very very very very very very annoying over long blocks of text as your never quite sure when the sentence has ending or where the pauses go and it all sort of jams together and makes very little sense to you as a readerda 1s dat tlk in txt tlk dispit da fct dare r nt actuly txtin ne1 (The absolute worst) tHe oNeS wHo gO tO sTuPiD aMoUnTs oF eFFoRt To mAkE tHeIr pOsT aS UnReAdEraBlE aS PoSsIbLe. iTs aNnOyInG tO tHoSe wHo ReAD iT. iTs aNnOyInG tO tHoSe wHow wRiTe iT. aNd iTs eVen aNnOyInG tO tHoSe wHo dOn'T rEaD It...iTs cRaCkInG sTuFf!
Possibly the most common kind, these emos are leaning more toward the goth spectrum - fashion wise at least - but emotionally they lack the anger needed to be a goth. As a result they can usually be spotted wandering apathetically around graveyards.
Emo Colour Hairstyle

Emo hairstyles are among the most sought-after, top hairstyles of teens. Besides encouraging a total freedom for shaping and dying this alternative movement has some signature traits. The unique hairdos launched a real style craze, more and more girls and boys craved for brand new cuts and colors. Here are some useful tips on Emo hairstyles, haircuts and Emo hair color.
Emo equals emotional, a character that defines the nature of hairstyles. The fine and wild angle combos, with some sophisticated lines characterize these hairdos. Depending on the personal taste of the wearer, we can see some real versatile and more classy pieces.
If you're flirting with the idea of having a new Emo haircut, think on a huge range of styling possibilities. Layers are one of the no.1. methods to create a fab hairdo. Ask your stylist to make them choppy and asymmetrical.
Razor cuts are guaranteed steps to achieve a killer design. The best way to emphasize the edgy look is to straighten your hair. People with curls should not scare away of layers. The best bargain to ease your job is to purchase a hair straightener.
Bangs are the trademark of Emo style. Grow your strands long to give definition and lines to your do. Try out the different techniques of shaping them, pin them to the side, back or make them spiky or super-sleek. It's up to you whether you are pleased with your features or on the contrary you want to camouflage them.
Colored streaks are also must have accessories of an Emo hairstyle. The black or blonde uniform dye is also voguish, however if you want a drop of happiness you might think of different hair coloring techniques.
Dip-dying, coon tail or chunk dying are the latest tendencies when it comes of adding an edgy flair to your hairdo. Contrasting colors help you in stealing the show especially if styled properly.
The popularity of the style can be attributed to the fact that anyone can have a new Emo style, regardless of age and sex. Both girls and boys sport these hairdos with confidence and style. The Emo bands serve as source of inspiration for the fans.

Emo Dance
Emo dance is very similar to skank or throwdown; however, the movements tend to be more random and include lots of spastic movements of the body, such as jumping, bouncing and shaking. Often said to emphasize one's oneness with the music, emo dance can be difficult to perfect, but a few simple steps can help you create your unique and soulful emo dance moves.Practice emo dance in the safety and comfort of your own home or in a mosh pit. Never dance emo in a calm standing crowd, as you can catch innocent bystanders unaware and someone may get hurt. While the movements of emo seem uncontrolled, with practice you will learn to keep your bearings to prevent unnecessary injury to you or others. Get into the emo music and let the rhythm move you and guide your dance technique. Your specific dance may change slightly from song to song or even group to group, so go with the flow and do what comes naturally.Begin by allowing your hair to fall down into your face as you drop your head slightly. While you don't want to cover your vision completely, you want to emanate the emo style. Start allowing your body to sway to the music and when you are really into it, start jumping to the beat. Let the music fill you with energy and begin adding spins, kicks and even punches into your emo dance. Once you are really into the groove and in your own personal zone, basically anything goes. Use large dramatic movements, jumps and even take a few sprints across the dance floor if you like.

Emo Hairstyles
Emo boys and emo girls try to be unique and comfortable in society with one’s self by expressing their individuality and self-expression through the emo hairstyles adopted. If you feel that all the conventional hairstyles you can get in saloons are boring and you don’t fit them at all, why follow the flock? I’d suggest you consider picking up some dye, a pair of scissors and razor and do up your hair the Emo hairstyle way! Most importantly is to have fun, play around, and be creative when performing your emo haircuts and then people will admire your Emo hairstyle.
Before you embark on this journey or if you’ve already taken on the Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts style, you would know that people devote a lot of time into these high-maintenance haircuts. It often takes hours to get that sexy “just got up” look. Good luck and as I said, be creative and have fun!

Before you embark on this journey or if you’ve already taken on the Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts style, you would know that people devote a lot of time into these high-maintenance haircuts. It often takes hours to get that sexy “just got up” look. Good luck and as I said, be creative and have fun!
Emo Fashion
Emo Haircuts
Emo hair, Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts are characterized by often black hair with random splurges of bright coloured highlights. The emo haircuts may also have asymmetrical lines and different colour background hair but the large majority of people with emo hairstyles prefer to dye it black.
Emo boys and emo girls try to be unique and comfortable in society with one’s self by expressing their individuality and self-expression through the emo hairstyles adopted. If you feel that all the conventional hairstyles you can get in saloons are boring and you don’t fit them at all, why follow the flock? I’d suggest you consider picking up some dye, a pair of scissors and razor and do up your hair the Emo hairstyle way! Most importantly is to have fun, play around, and be creative when performing your emo haircuts and then people will admire your Emo hairstyle.
Before you embark on this journey or if you’ve already taken on the Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts style, you would know that people devote a lot of time into these high-maintenance haircuts. It often takes hours to get that sexy “just got up” look. Good luck and as I said, be creative and have fun!
Another page added to the Emo Wiki! Check out the emo style page with more information on what the emo style is and what boys and girls prefer in terms of emo fashion!

Emo hair, Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts are characterized by often black hair with random splurges of bright coloured highlights. The emo haircuts may also have asymmetrical lines and different colour background hair but the large majority of people with emo hairstyles prefer to dye it black.
Emo boys and emo girls try to be unique and comfortable in society with one’s self by expressing their individuality and self-expression through the emo hairstyles adopted. If you feel that all the conventional hairstyles you can get in saloons are boring and you don’t fit them at all, why follow the flock? I’d suggest you consider picking up some dye, a pair of scissors and razor and do up your hair the Emo hairstyle way! Most importantly is to have fun, play around, and be creative when performing your emo haircuts and then people will admire your Emo hairstyle.
Before you embark on this journey or if you’ve already taken on the Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts style, you would know that people devote a lot of time into these high-maintenance haircuts. It often takes hours to get that sexy “just got up” look. Good luck and as I said, be creative and have fun!
Another page added to the Emo Wiki! Check out the emo style page with more information on what the emo style is and what boys and girls prefer in terms of emo fashion!
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